Flying Cute Baby Blue Butterfly

Dear God, Dear Dad

Dear God,
Here i'm standing under your authority now.
Begging your mercy,
Asking your help,
Give my dad a very healthy body and soul.
Touch him with your great hand.
Let him accompanied his wife, my brothers and i all along his life.
I love him with all my heart.
Blessing us, God!!

For my dearest, Hanief Iksa PP (3)

Since you are come
No one except you
you are the one
The only and special
I wonder how i could be
Not the same
The one i could live with
The one i would live with
on the same path
on the same ways
Even on the shadows
The black and white shadows
I would . . .
With Love

Liburan mahasiswa semester akhir

Selamat sore yang mendung , tapi tetap tak bisa menutupi hatiku yang cerah *eaa
Hai hai teman-teman.
Berbagi sedikit ya, bulan ini liburan yang cukup panjang karena saya sudah semester akhir *OMO tak kuduga secepat ini!!!
Menjadi mahasiswa semester akhir ada enak gak enaknya ternyata ketika liburan ini mengundang!
Gak enaknya, kepikiran skripsi yang harus diselesaikan cepat karena deadline tanggal kelulusan,
Enaknya, ,banyak liburnya ketimbang masuk ke kampus.
Tapi tapi tapi . . .
Yang mahasiswa semester akhir silahkan mengacungkan tangan, dan YA

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